The Choir
MomChoir is a North Shore (Vancouver) based choir made up of local moms who not only share the joys of motherhood (!) but also the love of music and singing.
MomChoir rehearse once a week to learn a variety of music, both a cappella and accompanied, in order to perform throughout the year. The members are committed to showing up each week, doing their best and working on their music at home. MomChoir is an engaging learning environment and members not only learn vocal and performance skills and techniques, they also develop friendships and have fun.
The Vision
MomChoir was created by a mom for other moms to connect, sing, perform and build a sense of community.
Too often, parents give up their own personal passions when they have children. It is easy to put everyone else first when you are in the throes of diaper changes, school pick-ups and sport drop-offs. Where is the time you once had for yourself? You have to make the time. MomChoir is a dedicated kid-free zone for moms to meet other like-minded women who also share a passion for choir and singing.
Meet the Artistic Director
Katy Cadman is a mother to three small children. In her spare time (ha!) she teaches English and Choir at a local high school and is the founder and Artistic Director of MomChoir. She is also a singer in a local six-woman a cappella group called Sweet Scarlet.
Meet the Accompanist
Elsa is a mom to two, lawyer by day and accompanist by night (well, Wednesday nights to be more precise!). She is a very talented woman who fearlessly plays the piano, sings and helps us through all the tricky sections. We couldn’t do it without her.